
The dawn of a new year is a perfect time to reflect on where we’ve been and look forward to the year ahead. A

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The Charity Accountants’ two day online annual conference is back, supporting attendees to lead, impact and inspire! This year’s conference programme includes inspiring and

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Changes to defined benefit pension scheme assumptions over 2022 have resulted in a trend towards schemes showing significantly reduced liabilities and in many cases

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2023 is a landmark year for Sayer Vincent as it is our 40th anniversary! We’ve been looking back and catching up with past team

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With charity finance teams being under pressure, and levels of staff absence and sickness being higher than ever, during 2022 we received a lot

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2023 is a landmark year for Sayer Vincent as it is our 40th anniversary! We’ve been looking back and catching up with some SV

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Fraud is a very real risk but something that tends not to be discussed enough in charities despite figures showing it’s on the rise.

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If you are a charitable organisation or group with operating leases for charity shops, a housing portfolio, or a fleet of vehicles etc, then

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You may not all be excited by headlines about auditing! But audit quality is in the spotlight, with a real focus on driving up

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January is of course the time of year for looking forward and thinking through what the coming year has in store. We asked a

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I don’t believe I’ve ever read an article or blog talking about a golden age of charity finances. I’ve certainly never written one. Commentators

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At the recent Charity Accountants’ Conference in September, Sayer Vincent’s Fleur Holden and Vivien Ma presented a session on how to create an excellent

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At the Charity Accountants’ Conference 2022, Oliver Deacon – an executive coach for finance leaders and ex-Microsoft financial director – held an enlightening session

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It’s Trustees’ Week (7-11 November), an annual event that celebrates the achievements of over one million trustees across the UK. This year the theme

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It’s Gift Aid Awareness Day on 6 October, which is organised by Charity Finance Group (CFG). This year’s #TickTheBox campaign will focus on the

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How to refresh and review your charity’s finances and plan for the future was the theme of this year’s Charity Accountants Conference which we

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Running an audit can be challenging for charity finance managers, particularly as audits need to be fitted around the day job. Finance professionals in

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HMRC have released the latest figures on the amounts claimed under the creative industry schemes. The creative industry schemes provide relief through tax credits

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