
The next edition of the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) is expected to be implemented from 1 January 2025. Work is currently underway,

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Olivia Carling, who is part of our audit team answers the question ‘Why I enjoy working with charities’: Variety Working with charities is a

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Does your organisation make purchases of services from overseas? This is a common question we ask and it is easy to assume that the

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Given the challenging economic environment, it is good practice for charities to regularly question the status quo and discuss alternative structures. One option increasingly

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The last couple of years have been extremely challenging for the charity sector with the COVID-19 pandemic. The sector has shown incredible resilience, but

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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a very generous funder; however, when UK charities are applying for USAID funding, there are

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All the talk at the moment in corporate reporting is around ESG reporting – Environmental, Social and Governance. There is a plethora of initiatives

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During Mental Health Awareness Week (9-15 May)1 I wanted to highlight positive actions charity finance managers can take to get on top of their

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An effective charity is a well governed charity. In this blog we look at some of the challenges around good financial governance, the ingredients

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The People with Significant Control register became a requirement for most unlisted UK companies (including charitable companies) from 6 April 2016. As the name

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It is that time of the year again where a lot of charities with a March year end (which seem to be very popular

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Charity trustees play an essential role, ensuring their charity has a clear strategy, it is well governed, and its work and goals are in

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Vanessa Clark (CIAN) and Jonathan Orchard (Sayer Vincent) 2020 has brought the importance of strong systems of risk and control into focus. Assurance has

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As the school bell went for the start of the academic year, memories of new pencil cases and their colourful content might have come

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Since mid-March office workers have been required to work from home where possible and any feasible audit work has been carried out remotely… For

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The current economic environment may not only be taking a toll on your charity’s finances but also on your mental health as you attempt

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This is the first of three blogs sharing ideas on the immediate and medium-term financial issues of solvency, sustainability, and collaboration. “Revenue is vanity,

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By the time you are reading my article, events in the external social and economic environment will have moved on considerably. The current pace

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