Search Results for: made simple

VAT made simple! In this session we will discuss the VAT recovery rules for taxable, exempt and non-business activities, how these are applied, and

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With Earth Day falling on 22 April, this month we feature two of our clients who focus on issues around our planet in very

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A key part of our mission is to support the wider charity sector by devoting our time and resources into measures that help strengthen

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We’ve a bit to catch up on – so we have a bumper edition of the SV newsletter including court decisions on Kids Company

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Advantages of a separate trading subsidiary Can protect the charity from tax liability Clarifies objectives for each part of organisation Limited liability status for

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If the activities you are planning do not fall within the exemptions and the activities are not fulfilling the primary purpose of the charity,

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Primary purpose trading is trade carried out by a charity in the course of carrying out its main objects and is exempt from income

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Trading is the exchange of goods or services for a fee. For tax, the law does not specifically define trading, but case law has

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The Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (“GASDS”) allows a charity or a Community Amateur Sports Club to claim a Gift Aid-like top up payment

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A basic principle underlying Gift Aid is that the gift should be freely given with nothing substantial expected or provided in return. The donor,

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Once a charity has registered with HMRC, there are three ways to claim Gift Aid: Spreadsheet claim, using the Charities Online service via the

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Gift Aid may only be claimed on donations by UK taxpayers who have paid at least the Gift Aid amount in tax (income and

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Gift Aid is a tax efficient method for individuals to make donations to charities. A Gift Aid donation from an individual is assumed to

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The taxation of payments and benefits made on the termination of employment is a complex topic and it is best to seek advice before

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The IR35 rules are designed to prevent individuals from using intermediary business structures – usually a personally or family owned company – to avoid

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There are a number of factors that may indicate that a contract between a contractor and a worker may be a contract of employment,

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Some supplies are zero-rated when supplied to a charity. Here the charity does not have to be registered for VAT to benefit from the

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All income in connection with a qualifying fundraising event is exempt from VAT (and income or corporation tax). To qualify as an exempt fundraising

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