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Relevant questions about a charity’s financial health and performance include: Does the charity have a diverse range of income sources? A charity that is

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Charity status is a broad category rather than a type of business, and as such directly comparing two charities by their financial statements may

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Charities have to prepare their accounts in accordance with a guide called the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP), which in turn is based on

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If a UK taxpayer owns the freehold of a property and lets a charity use the property for free or at a below market

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Gifts of most shares and securities will give tax relief for the donor at the market value of the disposal, plus any transfer costs

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Legacies are an important source of income for many charities, and both lifetime and death transfers of property to a UK established charity are

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The payroll giving scheme enables employees to make regular donations to charity by having their donations deducted from their salary before calculation of their

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As the trading company is a separate legal entity it must register for VAT if its taxable supplies exceed the VAT registration threshold. Any

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Charities only retain tax relief if their income is spent on their charitable purposes and tax exemptions are not available for non-charitable expenditure. Non-charitable

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The Gift Aid distribution of profits from a trading subsidiary to the parent charity can only be made from distributable profits. This means that

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So that a subsidiary does not pay tax, it must shed its taxable profits by tax-effective transfer to the charity by Gift Aid. However,

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All charities must disclose details of any remuneration or benefits received by trustees from the charity or a related entity or state if there

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A charity must identify who its related parties are and this will always include trustees, their close family members and any entities within a

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Heritage assets are assets with historical, artistic, scientific, technological, geophysical or environmental qualities that are held and maintained for their contribution to knowledge and

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There are a number of bases for apportionment that may be applied, such as proportion of direct costs, staff numbers, floor area or staff

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Charities sometimes receive goods as donations, rather than cash. The value placed on gifts in kind included in the Statement of Financial Activities (SoFA)

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The different types of funds are: Endowment funds are donations that have been given to a charity, either to be held as capital with

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The Institute of Internal Auditors has described the stages of risk maturity for organisations, with risk enabled as the top level. At this level,

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