This guide provides a step-by-step process for handling a merger or a takeover, explaining the options for different structures. It considers the legal and

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We published this guide to help you with models for collaborative working to deliver services and share back office functions . This guide covers

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The common way for charities to deal with trading which does not fall within their objects is to channel the income and expenditure relating

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If the activities you are planning do not fall within the exemptions and the activities are not fulfilling the primary purpose of the charity,

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Primary purpose trading is trade carried out by a charity in the course of carrying out its main objects and is exempt from income

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Trading is the exchange of goods or services for a fee. For tax, the law does not specifically define trading, but case law has

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Some supplies are zero-rated when supplied to a charity. Here the charity does not have to be registered for VAT to benefit from the

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All income in connection with a qualifying fundraising event is exempt from VAT (and income or corporation tax). To qualify as an exempt fundraising

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Probably because the charity has limited or no income subject to VAT. Many charity activities are funded by grants and donations or are VAT-exempt

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For a transaction to be subject to VAT, it must normally meet both of the following conditions: It must be a supply of goods

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You must register for VAT if the turnover on taxable activities exceeds the VAT registration threshold. The VAT registration threshold from 1 April 2017

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The s33c VAT refund scheme applies to both VAT registered and unregistered eligible hospices, which must be palliative care charities, providing palliative care as

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Supplies of education and training are VAT exempt if they are made by an eligible body, otherwise they are standard-rated. Supplies of education and

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Where charities have members who have voting or other constitutional rights then a special VAT concession applies (‘ESC 3.35’). This allows the membership subscription

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Commercial marathons such as the London Marathon do not qualify for the fundraising event exemption, so any mandatory entry fee or minimum sponsorship target

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If a charity has no pre-existing agreement with either the donor or event organiser, and simply receives a donation from the participant or event

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Some fundraising events have no restrictions on what Gift Aid can be claimed as no or only very minor benefits are provided to participants.

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